Investors making an active investment in a commercial business may have several visa options available for them. Read below.

Executives and managers may who are to be employed by a U.S. company that has a parent, subsidiary, affiliate, or home-office business abroad in which the executives or managers have worked for at least one year within the last three years. Job Offer is Required. Self Petition is allowed. Company Owners may self petition with their own companies.Labor Certification is Not required.
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Investors establishing a new business or invest in an existing business that was created or restructured after November 19, 1990. Investment Amount is no less than $1 million in the business OR $500,000 for qualified targeted employment areas. The business must create full-time employment for at least 10 U.S. workers. Direct Employment. Job Offer is Required. Self Petition is allowed. Company Owners may self petition with their own companies. Labor Certification not required.
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Investors investing in a qualified Regional Center. Investor must have invested or is actively in the process of investing capital in an amount no less than $1 million in the business OR $500,000 for qualified targeted employment areas. Indirect employment may be counted towards the employment creation requirement. Self Petition is allowed. Company Owners may self petition with their own companies. Labor Certification is not required.
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Coral Gables, FL 33134
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